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Manually delete Apache Kafka topics

Using Zookeeper CLI

Sunny Srinidhi
2 min readApr 19, 2018

In the last few versions of Apache’s Kafka, deleting a topic is fairly easy. You just need to set one property in the configuration to ‘true’, and just issue a command to delete a topic. It’ll be deleted in no time. But sometimes, for several reasons unknown to mere mortals such as ourselves, the deletion of a topic doesn’t happen automatically. If this is happening to you, don’t sweat just yet; there’s another easy way to delete a topic.

First, let’s see how to configure Kafka to delete a topic with just a command. ‘cd’ into your Kafka installation directory, then into the ‘config’ directory. Here, you’ll find a file (the file name could be different if you’ve renamed your copy). Open the properties file in your favorite text editor, for me it’s Vim. Add the following line, or change the value of the property to true:


Now go to the ‘bin’ directory, where you’ll find a file named ‘’ This is the file we’ll be using to delete a topic. The command to delete a topic is this:

./ — zookeeper localhost:2181 — delete — topic <topic_name>

Manually delete a topic with Zookeeper



Sunny Srinidhi
Sunny Srinidhi

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